多片式的CD突然傳來一陣乾淨、清脆又嬌柔的女生vocal,聲音有點陌生,輕快的電吉他貫穿全曲,偶而丟出幾個清脆乾淨的鋼琴粒子穿插其間,柔柔的alto saxophone間奏,非常輕鬆的tune很適合當天的豔陽天,於是按下repeat,風切聲很大,歌詞聽不是那麼清楚,但仔細聽了幾次之後隱約覺得好像不是曲調那麼輕快的快樂故事背景,於是回家之後把CD給取了出來看看。哦,真是久違了,Rebecca Pidgeon的Wedding Dress,絕對稱得上是個美人胚子的Rebecca Pidgeon彈得一首好吉他,是個多才多藝的vocalist,自己能譜曲填詞,也是個出名的演員,當初迷她的時候還特地去租了她老公編劇及導演的Heist(各懷鬼胎)來看。不走Enya或多數愛爾蘭女歌手那一路的空靈樂曲風格,變化比較大也比較多,1994年的時候好迷過一陣子的她,買過幾張專輯,不過手頭上的這一張是Chesky的選輯 - Greenfield,Chesky一向都以他們的選曲及錄音品質著稱,這一張當然也不例外。
CD太多了,實在找不到CD盒也就不確定到底有沒有歌詞,那就只好自己聽寫了,真的不是那麼回事,woo! what a touching and sad story,一位housekeeper兼任總機的害羞女生暗戀她的老闆,她為自己準備了一襲wedding dress藏在他閣樓的皮箱裡,希望有那一天那位驕傲的大男人終於能夠讀懂她眼中對他的欽慕並且向她求婚,日復一日盡心重複相同工作了30年之後,這個夢始終沒能夠實現,她最終還是孤獨的死去。
She stored the wedding dress away in the trunk in the attic for her wedding day.
When the proud man would recognize the admiration in her eyes, saying "I was blind, I did not see, now come away and marry me."
Thirty years faithful service was its own reward, keeping the house and working the switchboard, for the one man she could revere, a steady job, year after year, "I'll keep your house through my life and hope to be your loving wife."
I'll wait for you till my time is through, till the day I stop loving you, till I lay me down, no more to rise and the light leaves my eyes and if you never marry me and solitary you will be, you'll never know my love unless you find the wedding dress.
The housekeeper kept the house good and clean, it was the neatest little house you'd ever seen, perfect till the end of life. She died a lady, not a wife. The phone exchange moved away and the lonely man said he couldn't stay.